Lynne Cazaly









New Whitepaper on "10 Challenges of Leading Today's Workforce and what to do about them"






Professional Development for the HR Team on New Ways in HR







Listen to Lynne Cazaly's interviews on Spotify













New Book coming soon

Clever Skills

How to use your greatest human capabilities for the unfolding future 










Facilitation Skills

for your team or business 












Award winning & Best selling

10 x author










What people say...



I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 









New Ways of Working & Leading

Evolve how you think, work, lead and learn


Increase Efficiency - Work smarter to save time, effort, energy and resources

Enhance Adaptability – Equip teams to handle change with confidence

Improve Collaboration – Break down silos for better teamwork, quicker decisions and faster progress

Support Growth – Give people the skills to succeed in today's world

Simplify Complexity – Cut out wasteful steps to focus on what matters






Evolve how you think, work, lead and learn.  

Develop and inspire your leaders, teams and individuals with

keynotes, sessions, workshops, faciliation and skills for evolving ways of working



Lynne Cazaly is an expert in new ways of thinking, leading and working. 

She is an international keynote  speaker and an award winning author with her ideas and thoughts published in her 10 books. She consults to leaders, teams and businesses guiding them through their adoption of fresher, newer ways of thinking and working as they respond to changes in the world. 
She is an workshop leader and group facilitator and from her years of radio broadcasting, group work experience and leadership, it’s clear to see why. She crafts, delivers and presents experiences that engage, entertain and change audiences. 
Lynne Cazaly has lectured with leading universities in undergraduate and post graduate programs on advertising, marketing, influence, speaking, media, change and communications. 
She has held senior management roles in health, sport, arts, media, education and training, and government. She is a qualified facilitator and trainer and a trainer of other facilitators having created a range of facilitation IP. 
Lynne Cazaly appears in the media, on television, radio and in print and social media as an expert on more innovative ways of thinking about how we do things. Her thinking and ideas are published in Harvard Business Review, and many other media and business publications. 

Her in person and online sessions are well-known for being captivating, interactive, fresh and relevant, with highly practical skills, tools and techniques to apply immediately.


Lynne Cazaly has worked with ...


Lynne Cazaly - Award Winning

10 x Published Author

  • Sync Async: Making Progress Easier in the Changing World of Work
  • Argh! Too much information, not enough brain : A Practical Guide to Outsmarting Overwhelm
  • Better Ways of Thinking and Working: How Changing the Way You Do Things, Changes What You Can Do
  • ish: The Problem with our Pursuit for Perfection and the Life-Changing Practice of Good Enough
  • Agile-ish: How to Create a Culture of Agility
  • Ideas Book
  • Leader as Facilitator: How to Engage, Inspire and Get Work Done
  • Making Sense: A Handbook for the Future of Work 
  • Create Change: How to Apply Innovation in an Era of Uncertainty
  • Visual Mojo: How to Capture Thinking, Convey Information and Collaborate Using Visuals

and Lynne Cazaly is a contributing author to: UniteWhat the hell do we do now and The World of Visual Facilitation.

There are more books coming in the future; Lynne is a prolific thinker and writer and regularly shares her ideas, IP, insights and thoughts.



What people say ... 

Once you have had the privilege of being with Lynne in any capacity she has a profound impact on the way you think.

Lynne Cazaly was excellent from start to finish. 

Absolutely captivating.


We’re fan-girling here and thrilled she is a part of our whole team offsite.

It's no simple gig to meet the needs of such a diverse set of sectors in one room and you did so today with relevance and respect.

It can be hard to achieve a balance between professional and fun, something Lynne seems to do effortlessly. 

Today was absolutely brilliant. I loved and devoured everything. 

The most engaging facilitator I’ve seen 


Lynne's session was a masterclass in challenging existing thinking, getting us out of our boxes of "this is the way I've always done it" and unlocking the creativity that exists in every one of us to sense make, ideate and decision make differently so that we can serve and partner with our clients to help them navigate these continuing uncertain times.

The room is better with Lynne Cazaly in it. When I see her arrive, I think, 'Ok, we're all going to be good now, Lynne's here!'


Packed room, lots of laughter, great energy


She was up close and super engaged with the camera. Was fantastic. Felt like you were there! 

Lynne's presentations are amazing. There is so much in there. Not a word is wasted.

This is an expert in her element serving the audience and sharing her amazing talents.

Fantastic workshop. Excellent skills development. Lots of takeaways. Confidence building.

Lynne Cazaly is such an engaging and captivating keynote presenter. Terrific to experience the amazing impact this presentation had on attendees during the conference. The number of comments from people about being less fatigued over the two days was amazing. Kudos to you Lynne!


Being in the same room as Lynne Cazaly is my nirvana.